Starring: Brad Pitt, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jonah Hill
I heard a lot of good things about this movies, but I found it just “entertaining” and no more.
It was probably hard to pull a movie out the (Michael Lewis – of “The Blind Side”) book, and – to me – they didn’t succeed that well.
I like baseball, I like Brad Pitt and so on, but this was never anything more that just kind of fun.
I remember reading a review of the book when there was talk of a movie about the book, and that – the article – was fascinating, describing in more detail than is possible on film what the Oakland A’s did to have the tremendous year it had.
This did change baseball, a point made in the movie, but still rang a little Hollywood, rather than inside baseball.

Starring: George Clooney, Paul Giamatti, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood, Ryan Gosling
A taut, campaign-trail thriller, the plot is the main star – it keeps you guessing as to motives and what direction it’s going.
And saying the plot is the star is high praise, considering all the stars in this movie, most of whom deliver compelling performances.
A deeply cynical movie, showing politics for what it probably is: Where one does and says anything to get elected. Things happen, people get hurt, but the campaign just rolls over these minor inconveniences and steams on to hopeful victory.
And all but the candidate are interchangeable. One intern/campaign honcho leaves, another just slides into the slot.
Apt title, for just about everyone in the movie gets stabbed in the back at some point during the film. Et tu, Brutus?
And I could care less. So I watched a couple of movies this weekend, instead (see embedded reviews). Mixed bag.
Hmm…I just realized that I’ve been blogging for over a decade. Yes, that’s 10+ years of nonsense, but still somewhat remarkable. This blog has been – and continues to be – an outlet for writing (I was an English major in college and worked as a writer/editor for several years), as well as a platform to just try new tech things.
For example, the “Listening To” list in the rail – that’s auto-updated several times an hour by pulling my local iTunes song list via a local Linux server, massaging and uploading the recent listens. And it gets pulled into the rail via a AJAX call a few times an hour, so if I’m listening to music and you leave the page open in a tab, the list’ll change about every 15 minutes.
Stuff like that.
Hey, I’m a dork. I like playing with this stuff!
Sorry sports fans, but – to me – this type of stuff beats watching the Super Bowl…