Yes, the mess that is the result of the April 20, 2010 explosion – and subsequent collapse – of the BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is probably the worst environmental disaster in US history.
That said, Sarah Palin – of “Drill, Baby, Drill” fame – has put a spin on her many remarks supporting drilling for oil.
Via her Twitter account:

Sounds like she only supported ONSHORE drilling, right?
This is the age of Google; why try to cover your tracks in this transparent a way?
Here’s what I found that was interesting:
On March 31 – about three weeks before the BP rig exploded and sank into the Gulf (and, to date, still spewing oil at an unprecedented rate; unplugged/unfixed) – Palin had an article on the National Review‘s website; specifically, “The Corner” section.
In this bylined article, Palin mentions the following, all of which support OFFshore drilling, the kind that, unfortunately, blew up in the Gulf:
Today the president said he’ll “consider potential areas for development in the mid and south Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, while studying and protecting sensitive areas in the Arctic.” As the former governor of one of America’s largest energy-producing states, a state oil and gas commissioner, and chair of the nation’s Interstate Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, I’ve seen plenty of such studies. What we need is action — action that results in the job growth and revenue that a robust drilling policy could provide.
As an Alaskan, I’m especially disheartened by the new ban on drilling in parts of the 49th state and the cancellation of lease sales in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.
And let’s not forget that while Interior Department bureaucrats continue to hold up actual offshore drilling from taking place, Russia is moving full steam ahead on Arctic drilling, and China, Russia, and Venezuela are buying leases off the coast of Cuba.
These are remarks in support of offshore drilling, ja? And well off her run as VP, so it’s not “well, that’s the platform’s view, not necessarily mine….” and so on.
Here, I’m not for or against Sarah Palin.
Here, I’m not for or against drilling (wherever).
Here, I’m against the unspinnable spin Palin is attempting (and may well get away with her base).
It’s like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth…..