Feline nomenclature

Cats are doing well, all things considered. That’s good. We’ve called one Koko, because she is black and brown…and then the other Taylor. Works as a girl’s name, and that makes the two Koko Taylor.

Let’s see who gets this.

Raining…then sunny…then rainy…hell of a holiday weekend.

Cleaning my office; getting a little organized. Am I bored or WHAT?

Picking up more Perl

OK, quotations are on Littleghost as a Perl script.

Wow, does my Perl suck! Good to get back into it however. Not exactly like riding a bike (I think I fell down a few times), but easier this time.

And learning any language without help sucks. What do you you look up? (example)

— Special characters

— Characters (special)

— Search

— Replace

— Search and replace

— Reserved characters

— (ETC!)

But that is how I have learned all my languages.

And that is probably — in part — why I SUCK at them all.


Ah, progress has been made, and quickly. Damn! Getting better!


110 authors; 144 quotations. I did the data stuff (maybe 50% of what I have); next is the randomizer and so on.

Pretty well got the add/edit/display feature going. Have to see if pagination is required anywhere.

Quotation tools

Ok, built the quote-a-tron. Took pretty much two days, contains search, author list, real-time list of number of quotations and authors, add/edit screen with a popup to add author (Javascript opener; I had forgotten how to do that. Good to remember).

Got funky with the forms, applied colors and all to them; used a black background for pages. Interesting. Good learning experience.

Hope to load some data in today; that will show what work needs to be done (what needs to be added, what is broken).

Pagination of quotes might be necessary, and I’d like to add a random quote to the top page. We’ll have to see about that. Should be fairly straight forward.

I can build a view then that ties all I need together and then export that to a flat file for Perl implementation.


Working on the quote-a-tron.

I figure the more applications I build, the more I will understand them.

And that’s a good thing….not that anyone appears to care about all this…