Cats be gone

Cats be gone.

Cats…we hardly knew ya….

They were just warming up to this place. And now they go back to hell. That’s what I feel worst about. Sure, we spent dough for the cats, don’t care about that.

I just worry that the cats — that were not in the best situation before (in a house with three dogs [one which hated the cats; the other two were cool, I guess], a woman who is a professed non-cat person [but liked these] and were kept pretty much in their own room [cats are social dammit!] ), had been outplaced for one week (after one year and I wonder about all that) and then outplaced with us again now back “home” again.

Makes me very angry/bitter/sad/all-the-preceding.

I feel badly for the cats.

Romy and I will endure.

They don’t have the “big picture” (?) we do.
