110 authors; 144 quotations. I did the data stuff (maybe 50% of what I have); next is the randomizer and so on.
Pretty well got the add/edit/display feature going. Have to see if pagination is required anywhere.
110 authors; 144 quotations. I did the data stuff (maybe 50% of what I have); next is the randomizer and so on.
Pretty well got the add/edit/display feature going. Have to see if pagination is required anywhere.
While it’s only putting my quotations into my database, how nice to be back to literature for a change!
I do miss it.
Ok, built the quote-a-tron. Took pretty much two days, contains search, author list, real-time list of number of quotations and authors, add/edit screen with a popup to add author (Javascript opener; I had forgotten how to do that. Good to remember).
Got funky with the forms, applied colors and all to them; used a black background for pages. Interesting. Good learning experience.
Hope to load some data in today; that will show what work needs to be done (what needs to be added, what is broken).
Pagination of quotes might be necessary, and I’d like to add a random quote to the top page. We’ll have to see about that. Should be fairly straight forward.
I can build a view then that ties all I need together and then export that to a flat file for Perl implementation.
Working on the quote-a-tron.
I figure the more applications I build, the more I will understand them.
And that’s a good thing….not that anyone appears to care about all this…
Another week begins; another week without a job. This is getting ridiculous.
How can I focus this?
I suck.
Any questions?
Change of plans. No idea how to set up littleghost.com for includes. Going ahead with a nicely normalized quote machine on Bach and on Geistlinger.com.
Can always export and use Perl later…..or as a stand-alone. Or pop-up. Whatever.
Running an experiment now; want to do a “random quote” thingee for the main page of Blog This!, but I need a way to get the quotes into some sort of database format.
So I’ll build a CF front end to enter the material into an Access database, from which I can export to a flat file for use with a perl script (Blog This!) is on a UNIX server w/o CF, so it’ll have to be a Perl script that does all this.
How do I do an include here? Interesting…don’t know….
What is with cat people, anyway? Probably have good intentions, but just not “in touch” with reality or whatever.
We are probably going to go to a shelter and see what they have to offer. Weird.
Well, weird days, I tell you.
I guess you have to be an official basketcase to be a foster parent for cats.
The one set we were looking at — over the Web; wanted to arrange visit — belong to some numnut who is just plain out of touch.
Nice that they are trying to protect the cats and all, but come on…you’d think we wanted to eat the cats or whatever…