OK, hopefully looking at another set (of cats) today. We shall see….
Lost cats
Lost cats. They be gone. Wonder how long it will take to get others?
Cats be gone
Cats be gone.
Cats…we hardly knew ya….
They were just warming up to this place. And now they go back to hell. That’s what I feel worst about. Sure, we spent dough for the cats, don’t care about that.
I just worry that the cats — that were not in the best situation before (in a house with three dogs [one which hated the cats; the other two were cool, I guess], a woman who is a professed non-cat person [but liked these] and were kept pretty much in their own room [cats are social dammit!] ), had been outplaced for one week (after one year and I wonder about all that) and then outplaced with us again now back “home” again.
Makes me very angry/bitter/sad/all-the-preceding.
I feel badly for the cats.
Romy and I will endure.
They don’t have the “big picture” (?) we do.
I’m not…
This is too depressing. There is nothing out there for me…because I have nothing to offer them per se.
No, I’m not a business person.
No, I’m not a graphics person.
No, I’m not a web developer.
No, I’m not a Java/Perl/whatever jockey.
I’m sort of all, which means I’m really, well — NONE of them.
But ouch…..
OH — and in case anyone is looking at this and wants to see my résumé — here we go: Click Here!
Oh yeah baby, that’s going to create a virtual stampede to my site…
You know, the part I’m having trouble with — with this whole “blogger” thing — is my inability to look beyond the technology (and its ramifications).
This is a very cool app. I look at it, mentally look under the hood and try to figure it out. Fascinating, but that is the exact OPPOSITE of how the site is suppose to work. The technology is just supposed to be transparent to the user. Just write and that’s that.
Not like that at all to me.
But I guess I’ll have to get over that.
The job hunt is just that — a hunt. While I have no qualms about leaving the last job — that place is going down, or turning into something that is a paler shade of opaque, whether management realizes it or not — it was still a job, which I don’t have now. Also have no real leads. At this point during my last “excellent quitting” I had four firm job offers, two other “I want you; call” leads from former co-workers.
Hell, at this point last time around I was employed already. I left work March 3; started next job March 28.
Ah well, I guess I have to start working it backwards, finding a place that looks good and seeing if I can fit there somehow.
Second post
Well, this is my second post.
So far, so … weird.
Hope to do on this site, with this tool, what I have been unable to do for some time now: Just to write.
That would be a thing of beauty.
Here’s to hoping.
Hello World!
So this is how it all begins, not with a bang but with a really silly paraphrase…
I guess one of the problems I have always had with this type of activity is that there is always the past.
One is always tempted to go back to make sure the “reader” (who the hell is the reader? And do we/I/it care?) is up to speed on this girlfriend or one’s currenty job situation or how one has been arguing with the plumber for months on end trying to get a job finished.
It seems important, doesn’t it?
It isn’t.
For something like this to work, one must always start in medias ras (spelling?).
Just jump in. Pound away on the keyboard.
Because you’re never going to get caught up.
Hell, I have over 40 years of catching up to do. Think it’s going to happen? No……….
So don’t try.
The end result will be worth the effort.