Photo finish(ed)

For those of you who (for whatever demented reason) have followed this blog, or know me (ditto), I think you’ll agree that I’m not a Luddite.

Sometimes behind the curve (getting a smart phone), or ahead of the curve (the first to get a Gmail account).


Let’s talk digital photography vs. film.

With automation/digital you can take blah blah a million pics for no cost some pics will be good. Agreed. Awesome.

But this digital freedom comes at a cost.

Garbage Can/Snow

Framing: By this, I mean taking the time/effort to actually take the picture that seems like a good picture. With “no roll” cameras, this sometimes goes out the window: You can take a zillion pics and (later) pic the best. But I used to go into the woods with my 4×5 view camera with 12 double-sided film holders (24 shots; less than a regular 36-shot roll of 35mm film). While I always carried extra film and a changing bag, I never needed it. Under those constraints, I took so much time to frame the pic, set the depth of field, wait for the sun to move beyond the tree … etc. Totally different. While I love that I can burn digitally through dozens of rolls of formerly physical film photographing this or that, the best pics I’ve taken – digitally – have been very heavily composed. Focus on this, not that. Make sure the fence is/isn’t in frame. And so on.

Take this sorta artsy picture of a trash can in the snow, with the shadows from the snow fence falling on the snow. Notice how the snow fence shadows line up with the ribs of the garbage can? Very much on purpose, and – to me – a better pic for making this effort.


Mode choice: BW vs color. Sure, can convert, but if you shoot – intentionally – in BW you’re thinking differently than if color. You look at light and shadows in a very different way. If doing color, more of a shades of colors, juxtaposition of yellow vs. blue and so on.

In the picture to the right, I made a very conscious decision to use a black and white – actually, infrared (IR) – camera. This picture would have been considerable different if it had been taken gray scale or in color. Might have been good, but not what I was looking for.


Depth of field: Makes all the difference in non-I’m-here-with-my-friends pics. Pic of a woman/cat/tree with just one important part in focus, the rest softer. Harder, but more powerful – less “capture the moment” snapshot pics and more of here’s what I think is important [for whatever reason]. (NOTE: both are good; just different).

In this nasturtium picture, I deliberately focused on the flower only, leaving the background/stem fuzzy: Now you look at the blossom only.

No end of roll: The best portrait pics are those when you tell the subject that there are just a few frames left, just chill … and magic. With digital, there is no “end of roll.” On the non-Luddite side, you can take a zillion pics, and three might be great, vs. one or so pics in a couple of rolls of film. Coin toss to a degree, but it’s a tool (…hey, almost end of roll, relax.) that’s now gone.

I actually don’t have that good an example of this to show right now (need to scan same): I haven’t done too many portraits, and they have not gone as well as I would have hoped. I’m more of a nature/architecture photographer.

Just sayin’


I made a couple of fixes to my at-home tools that I use to update my hosted sites this evening.

Nothing remarkable; not worth telling the story.

Except this: Thanks to the way I had architected it all, the changes – though good for me – took virtually no time and didn’t adversely affect anything.

That’s a win in my book!

But I’m a dork…

Review: The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones

My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. In newspaper photos of missing girls from the seventies, most looked like me: white girls with mousy brown hair. This was before kids of all races and genders started appearing on milk cartons or in the daily mail. It was still back when people believed things like that didn’t happen. [opening paragraph]

— Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

I saw the movie based on this book about a month ago (review here), and it piqued my interest in reading the book. I finished the novel earlier this week – it’s a quick read, about 300 pages and not too dense.

Great literature? No, but a very well written (for the most part) book based on the eerie/macabre premise: The book is upfront in telling the reader that the protagonist is going to die almost immediately, and the book is told in a first-person narrative by the deceased teenager from her perch in “in-between land” (not quite Full Heaven, but certainly not earth).

In the book, the narrator – Susie – has some interactions with those she has left behind on earth: A schoolmate who encountered Susie’s soul as it was leaving her body to go to heaven; her father, who can’t quite admit she is gone; Ray, her first love, her first kiss. She watches them, tries in some cases to make connections with them, is happy with the achievements they keep rolling up after her death, tries to let them go.

The story moves along at a good clip, and a lot of it reminds me of Hispanic literature, where the supernatural is part of novels in so many cases: One Hundred Years of Solitude, Like Water for Chocolate and others. Just about any Jorge Luis Borges story.

The book is about relationships, motives, how we live our lives and letting go.

It’s also reminiscent of Winesburg, Ohio – with the small subdivision taking the place of the small Buckeye State town. There are secret – and not so secret – parts of peoples lives. Some live out loud – such as Susie’s madcap grandmother. Some live lives of quiet despair – Susie’s father, the detective who is unable to solve this and other cases, and the mother of Susie’s first love Ray, Mrs. Aruna.

And some – like Susie – are taken before they can even begin to understand life.

Entertaining, at times extremely poignant, the book far surpasses the movie, and I enjoyed the movie, even though it was, except on base structure, very different from the book. If you’re interested in the book/movie, I recommend experiencing them in the order I did – movie, then book. update

A couple of days ago I pushed out a major interface change to, one of my other sites.

I thinks this is either only the second or third look to the site since it’s launch in November of 1999 (wow! it was really that long ago!).


Old Look


New Look

What’s new includes the following:

  • While the previous UI was pretty much CSS based, this new version goes all in. Very few tables to be found, just a plethora of DIVs.
  • CSS3 goodness – opacity, drop shadows, rounded corners (little of which translates well in IE8, *sigh*).
  • CSS drop-down menu. No Javascript there.
  • jQuery goodies – a couple of widgets for photos. These actually began the redesign – I was learning jQuery and embedded them in the old site, and then kept going with the UI change.
  • Template-based. I have not yet fully separated the presentation layer from the functionality as it would be in a MVC, but getting closer.
  • Tried to get all the CSS out of the pages and in the CSS master file. This is something we all do – stick styles inline or on a page to speed development, and then never get around to extracting same. I think I pretty much got it.
  • A more consistent look, page to page. Before, each menu section had the same look, but a different color. Kind of stupid, and harder to maintain. But design was not then – and is not currently – my forte, as a look at either UI will bear out. But I think it’s an improvement. It’s fun pushing around the pixels and so on, but I’m not a designer.

This was a lot of work, but it was fun – and I learned a lot. Bonus!

It now looks more like a site of 2012.

If I were President


If I was a big tweeter (I’m not), this could be an echo of so many political stories.

There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president. This was true even in high school. Only clearly disturbed people ran for class president.

A Man Without a Country, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (2005)

This applies to all parties. All political offices (not just president, but the crazy scale is higher the higher the office, to me).

Hey, it’s Vonnegut.

Is it just me, or would Vonnegut (RIP) have been a great guest on any of the political shows: FOX, Daily Show and so on. He’d just get stuff and would speak his truth.

I mean, here’s Vonnegut talking about language (and making fun of himself/Hoosiers):

The writing style which is most natural for you is the bound to echo the speech you heard as a child. English was the novelist Joseph Conrad’s third language, and much that seems piquant in his use of English was no doubt colored by his first language, which was Polish. And lucky indeed is the writer who has grown up in Ireland, for the English spoken there is so amusing and musical. I myself grew up in Indianapolis, where common speech sounds like a band saw cutting galvanized tin and employs a vocabulary as unornamental as a monkey wrench.

— “How to write with style,” an ad for International Paper Co. Appeared in the 9/15/1980 Newsweek

Split week for gay rights

I guess this screen grab says it all.

Split Week


And this come off a week of very bad (in my mind) politics for women (again, via TPM) – How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day.

Lots of sexual politics this week – hey, an election must be coming up!

Update: More disconcerting news for women (politically/medically) from Steve Benen, commenting on Dahlia Lithwick’s excellent – and disturbing – Slate article, Virginia’s Proposed Ultrasound Law Is an Abomination. Republicans have always touted themselves as a small government party; I guess – in Virginia – they are making government small enough to, in many cases, fit inside your genitals (to perform an ultrasound) if you want an abortion. Hmm…smells like a shot across the bow to Roe vs. Wade…intentionally?

The Story of Success


How is success achieved? Is it hard work, as mythologized in the Horatio Alger rags-to-riches stories, or is it more of brilliant insights by prodigies who seem to soak in knowledge, distill same, and turn the world around? Or is it something else?

In Outliers – The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell – in his typlical Gladwellian way – looks at ways success is achieved in very non-intuitive ways. Yet you’ll come away agreeing with him, for the most part.

Success in hockey? Look at the hockey leagues of Canadian youths. You first enter when – in the calendar year – you turn 10. So, those born on Jan. 1 (already 10) or Dec. 31 (9 years old at sign up) are in the same league/bracket. Guess who dominates? Yeah, the older kids – the difference between 30 and 31 years old is nothing; between 9 and 10 – when you’re still growing – the extra year/few months is a huge difference.

And those “better” kids will then get into the higher bracket the next year, with more skating time, better instruction and so on. So they keep getting “better.” Yet they aren’t better than the younger players overall, they are just born at the right time of the year. Time-shift the entry time up six months, and suddenly most of the better players will be from the third quarter of the calendar year.

Gladwell writes in Outliers – as he does in his other books and “New Yorker” essays – very cleanly, free of jargon. In other words, a pleasure to read. It’s not as deep in some points as I would have liked, but extremely accessible.

The insights – the tying disparate information together – are done very simply, and it’s remarkable Gladwell is, through a series of very non-linear examples, to pretty much make one question about how we learn and succeed. It goes beyond base ability, hard work and good schools.

Note: Gladwell does not really define “success.” It’s not an analysis of what constitutes success; to Gladwell, success is bettering oneself/things somehow: Better reading scores, fewer airline crashes, using street smarts instead of raw IQ to gain one’s goals. This isn’t a book that outlines how to make cool million or two.

The only quibble I have with the book – that it skipped over some very obvious points – is also one of its main strengths. If Gladstone had gotten down in the weeds to get to the bottom of all of this or that issue’s problems, it would have bogged down. And been a very different book.

I like this one.

It’s Super Bowl Sunday!

Starring: Brad Pitt, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jonah Hill

I heard a lot of good things about this movies, but I found it just “entertaining” and no more.

It was probably hard to pull a movie out the (Michael Lewis – of “The Blind Side”) book, and – to me – they didn’t succeed that well.

I like baseball, I like Brad Pitt and so on, but this was never anything more that just kind of fun.

I remember reading a review of the book when there was talk of a movie about the book, and that – the article – was fascinating, describing in more detail than is possible on film what the Oakland A’s did to have the tremendous year it had.

This did change baseball, a point made in the movie, but still rang a little Hollywood, rather than inside baseball.

All movies

Ides of March
Starring: George Clooney, Paul Giamatti, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood, Ryan Gosling

A taut, campaign-trail thriller, the plot is the main star – it keeps you guessing as to motives and what direction it’s going.

And saying the plot is the star is high praise, considering all the stars in this movie, most of whom deliver compelling performances.

A deeply cynical movie, showing politics for what it probably is: Where one does and says anything to get elected. Things happen, people get hurt, but the campaign just rolls over these minor inconveniences and steams on to hopeful victory.

And all but the candidate are interchangeable. One intern/campaign honcho leaves, another just slides into the slot.

Apt title, for just about everyone in the movie gets stabbed in the back at some point during the film. Et tu, Brutus?

All movies

And I could care less. So I watched a couple of movies this weekend, instead (see embedded reviews). Mixed bag.

Hmm…I just realized that I’ve been blogging for over a decade. Yes, that’s 10+ years of nonsense, but still somewhat remarkable. This blog has been – and continues to be – an outlet for writing (I was an English major in college and worked as a writer/editor for several years), as well as a platform to just try new tech things.

For example, the “Listening To” list in the rail – that’s auto-updated several times an hour by pulling my local iTunes song list via a local Linux server, massaging and uploading the recent listens. And it gets pulled into the rail via a AJAX call a few times an hour, so if I’m listening to music and you leave the page open in a tab, the list’ll change about every 15 minutes.

Stuff like that.

Hey, I’m a dork. I like playing with this stuff!

Sorry sports fans, but – to me – this type of stuff beats watching the Super Bowl…

Hollywood proves it can get more stupider…

According to an LA Times report, a new deal between Netflix and Warner Bros. includes a new rental delay provision:

Under a new deal between the two companies, Netflix users won’t just have to wait 56 days to rent Warner Bros. movies on DVD. They’ll have to wait 28 days to add the movies to their queues.

Marco Arment trots out the proper response:

If I’m adding a movie to my Netflix queue, I’ve already decided not to buy the DVD. I’m adding it because it looks mildly interesting and I’d like to watch it sometime. If I can’t add it to Netflix, I’ll just forget about it and probably never see it.

While there may be some exceptions, I think this is basically true.

Let’s see if the other studios go down this desperate path for more DVD sales.

Nicely played, Warner Bros…

Sites come and gone

The Lovely Bones
Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Stanley Tucci

This movie, based on the book by the same name by Alice Seybold, begins as the book does, with narration by the protagonist: “My name is Salmon, like the fish; first name Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.”

Whoa – we’re in for a feel-good movie!

I have not (yet) read the book, but I knew the subject matter and was a little hesitant to pick it up, but whatever. Give it a shot.

I thought it was great. It’s an almost non-linear book, and one told from two points of view: From her perch in (almost) heaven, and from those she has left behind (family, friends and her killer).

Susan Sarandon, who plays Susie’s grandmother, gives a great performance in very little screen time. That said, I didn’t quite get the anguish of her father – Wahlberg – from his performance that reflected his character’s intensity/anguish as Susie’s narration outlined. He was OK, but nothing great.

Tucci, playing a pedophile, was his usual brilliant. Pedophile, hit man (The Pelican Brief), gay fashion designer (The Devil Wears Prada), statesman and solid husband (Julie and Julia) – this guy can act!

It’ll be interesting to see how it compares to the book – the movie, directed by Peter Jackson, has a lot of Lord of the Rings type fantasy sequences. I’m guessing fans of the book will say Jackson went with CGI at the expense of more character interaction – which, who knows, might be true – but the 2-hour+ movie was very satisfying to me, despite the distasteful subject matter.

And the girl – she is only 18 years old this year – who played Susie (Saoirse Ronan) was great. Very believable and vulnerable yet – at the same time – strong and wise beyond her years.

Glad I picked it up.

All movies

The web is, of course, a very fluid arena.

I’ve noticed recently some shifts in sites that I hit – some more, some falling off my radar. Here are some examples, in no particular order:

Reading more often:

  • – Once Flipboard became available for the iPhone, I installed it immediately. One of the media channels was readwriteweb, and this just reminded me about how I’d forgotten to remember to follow this site. Got that? Good stuff for techies.
  • – Yeah, dumb name (but for a good reason…). Basically made of a lot of writers who bailed from after all the AOL/HuffPo fiascos. A daily must-read.
  • – To be honest, I read this more on Flipboard than on the web, but a good source of tech and business news, usually very well-written and well-sourced.
  • – The mad ramblings of Apple fanboy MG Siegler.

Reading less often:

  • Techcrunch – As noted above, has filled that void. I only hit Techcrunch a couple of times a week vs. a few times a day in the past. Sad.
  • Huffington Post – This site, while loading up a lot of fresh news daily, has a lot of crap. Fashion, headlines that belong on the National Enquirer, not a legit news site. Again, kind of sad.
  • – Jason Kottke is, to me, the ultimate abstractor of the internet. Much like magazines devoted to providing small abstracts of large scientific articles – so you could scan or elect to read the entire report – Kottke finds what’s interesting on the web and points to same with a small excerpt or description. Useful. Yet a few years ago he (I applaud him) married well, has traveled, and really doesn’t need to blog as much. So he doesn’t. So I don’t go there that often. Still often find good stuff I would never have seen had I not gone there, so keep it up Jason.
  • – Dave Winer, the/one of the original bloggers, keeps writing, but I find – for whatever reason – less of it interesting. It might just be me. So I’ll go there occasionally to catch up, but it’s no longer a daily visit, more like once a week or so.

These are just a few, off the top of my head. Some of the changes have to do with changes to the sites; others are due to changes in me – my interests/priorities have shifted. As has my reading…