A fundamental shift in programming

Flipboard, that wonderful iPad app finally came out on the iPhone the other day, and I quickly downloaded same.

Fiddling with the app, setting up sources and so on, I ran across the readwriteweb.com, a site I go to way too seldom yet always enjoy. So I added it to my flipboard.

The next day or so, I ran across an following article on the site, describing the shift in popularity of various programming languages. It got me thinking about shifts in programming, but it hit home when I read in today’s dead-tree version of the Chicago Tribune about the increase in online/mobile shopping this past Cyber Monday:

IBM analysis of Cyber Monday sales after Thanksgiving last month not only found a 33 percent increase over last year, but mobile devices such as phones and tablets accounted for 6.6 percent of those sales, up from 2.3 percent in 2010. A recent ComScore report found 26 percent of consumers say they compare prices among outlets by scanning codes with their mobile devices.

— Phil Rosenthal, Amazon promo brings bricks, mortar to retail debate

Now, none of the Cyber Monday stats are that much of a surprise, except for the mobile number: While Cyber Monday sales went up 33% (great for a struggling economy), the mobile usage almost tripled over the past year – up 286%!

I see two trends shaping the shift in programming languages – and the shift in programming in general, and these articles reflected same.

  1. The rush to the web – as opposed to enterprise apps – continues apace. Yet at the same time, how web sites are built is changing.
  2. Mobile is opening a whole new front, one that gets larger everyday. Yet a great deal of mobile work is on stand-alone apps (Flipboard, HootSuite, Instagram etc) rather than web applications.

The rush to the web

I don’t have any links to point to this fact, but just look around. It’s almost impossible to not get good information online about any given company, and I know many, many companies that are ditching their proprietary, C/C++ apps and are moving to the web.

One big part of this is the rise of cloud computing. Look at SalesForce.com: Why have a desktop client/data center when you can put it all in the cloud and access via a browser from anywhere? Updates are immediate; your data is backed up (hopefully). With the cloud, there are security issues – do I really want to put company financials in the cloud? – but https and VPNs are making this less of an issue. Company financials’ distribution was formerly an Excel spreadsheet to an email list. How secure is that?

At the same time, one of the web trends I’m seeing is the rise of more robust, commercial web deployments – say, like SalesForce.com. Which is one of the reasons for the continued popularity of Java and the rise of C# (Microsoft’s answer to Java).

PHP and Python are, on the other hand, dropping compared to compiled languages for the same reason: Where a company – say a bank – may have launched a consumer site in PHP a few years ago, once it decides to go company-wide (inside and outside sites), it’ll probably settle on a more robust, compiled language. So that consumer site might be PHP today, but as the back-end gets completed, the bank’ll want all sites on the same codebase, so it’ll go to Java or JSP, let’s say.

The rush to the web continues, but deployment has changed – both in changes listed above and the evolution of web site deployment.

In the very recent past, most web sites were one offs: built for the company/customer. A lot of hand-built sites.

Today, with the much better browser standards support (mainly CSS and Javascript) and the proliferation of excellent CMS (content-management system) choices – WordPress, Joomla, Drupal – the need to start from scratch is in many, many cases unnecessary.

Let’s look at one CMS: WordPress (just as an example).

It’s been around for a number of years, well past the “we’re working the kinks out” stage.

Excellent documentation, robust functionality that is strongly OO (object-oriented).

Runs on PHP against a mySql database, which is a very common environment for many developers.

And it’s free. (Did I mention that it’s free??)

So I see a lot of agencies that create web sites for clients essentially taking WordPress, modifying it to the customer’s/company’s needs, and doing the same for the next customer/company.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with this – why reinvent the wheel? WordPress (etc) has commenting built in, functions one can turn on and off, a master CSS file that can control the site’s GUI. What’s not to like?

But these are pre-packaged designs, and one main way to change same (mainly via AJAX) is to use JavaScript.

Yes, the other language that has gone up in popularity.

Javascript…oh, love/hate relationship. Powerful; hack laden (especially in IE; getting better); controlling more of the interface each day.

Libraries like JQuery are helping this javascript push because the rise of javascript against the DOM in getting more important every day. AJAX is javascript, as is JQuery, and they’re both helping your basic web pages act more like compiled programs. It’s amazing how much it has advanced over the last decade or so. Crazy.

I expect javascript to continue to gain popularity, as more sites – either powered by WordPress (or other clones) or by high-level language (Java/C# etc) – come online. Javascript is, on the web, controlling more of the user experience than the base language (compiled/interpreted).

That’s a big shift.

So, the web continues to grow, and it’s getting more “heavy iron” and built on the shoulders of giants.

How is the mobile space going?

© Apple – from www.apple.com

The mobile space

The last section was “The rush to the web” – This section could well be called “the race against the web.”


Well, for whatever reason (I’ve never programmed for mobile, so I only have opinions, little first-hand knowledge), mobile has gone app – downloadable, compiled programs – that are like Word or Excel on the desktop.

Very few web (browser-based) apps.

This accounts for the huge increase in Objective-C programming (for iOS) and part of the continued success of Java (for Android phones). Note: We’ll see what happens to numbers once Windoze 8 phones start making penetration – and I’m honestly not sure what language the Metro interface uses (I’m guessing C#).

But why not the rush to the web here?

I think that it is two-fold:

  • HTML can’t support what we want on a mobile phone (Flipboard etc.; see above) natively today. Sorry.
  • Mobile is tethered to a battery. Compiled is always faster than interpreted and so on. It’s all about – to a certain extent – the joules.

I predict that someday, HTML6 (or whatever) and better batteries (charge over WiFi???) will make the hold app vs. web app a thing of the past, and – for most uses – the web app will win.

But I dunno. I’ll be the first to admit this.

iPhone Apps


Well, I like astronomy.

And I saw – a couple of years ago – an awesome iPad app that shows what’s in the sky.

I only have an iPhone, but Star Walk – the iPhone App – is incredible. Pic is screenshot what’s in the east at this time.

Very well done.

One of the reasons mobile will rule….

iPhone – first impressions


OK – it’s been a couple of weeks since I got an iPhone; here are my initial impressions:

  • The obvious – yeah, it’s better than a StarTAC.
  • Battery life is problematic, and I’m not a heavy phone user. iOS 5.0.1 didn’t change anything for me.
  • The camera is great.
  • The lack of documentation – there is no owner’s manual included – is, to me, weird. Sure, this this the fourth iPhone. Does that mean everyone knows how to use it? While a very intuitive phone – if you know what it should do (gestures, etc) – how do I get pics off my phone? How to upload pic so I can have an old (non-iPhone) pic as wallpaper? Not intuitive. Lots of googling.
  • Another, more basic, example of how lack of documentation is silly: There are five physical buttons on the iPhone. What do they do??? Not hard to figure out, but, come on…just a drawing with arrows and labels…
  • Tight integration with iTunes is both good and bad. I’m on a Windoze desktop; probably less problematic on a Mac.
  • If I turn off my phone, Angry Birds resets to Level 1. Makes me…angry…
  • Notifications are awesome. I think this is new to this OS (iOS 5); to me, it seems like something that should have always been there. Part of the smartphone ecosystem.
  • Siri rocks.
  • I still mainly use it for a phone. It’s nice to have email there should I need it, but – generally – that’s rare for me. And I’m not into texting, so that’s another squandered opportunity.

That’s all I gots right now!

Blast from the past

Starring: Javier Bardem

What’s this movie about?

Based in Barcelona, Spain, it’s about life, love and loss – and the brutal consequences of action/inaction.

Bardem – in an incredibly understated role (even for him)- is the father of two children. He’s basically a human trafficker, poor, paying off the police…yet he still has legal custody of his children from his wife. So, she’s a mess…and a factor in the movie.

This is an art-house movie (with subtitles, warning!!!), but good on so many levels.

And weird/unexplained on so many levels. Is he the human trafficker with the heart of gold? Can he really communicate with the dead? What is the resolution to it all?

One of those movies that sticks with you, makes you wonder what this or that means. Very very good.

All movies

Earlier today, I saw a car pull up in front of the house. A guy got out, and then I heard the mail slot open and close (it’s got a wrought-iron lid).

I figured someone was giving us mis-delivered mail. We live on North Emerson, and it’s not unusual for our mail to end up at the same number on South Emerson.

I checked the slot, and in it was and envelope with a handwritten note on the front:

515 N. Emerson
I found these photos of your house while going through my mother’s things and thought you would enjoy the history.
[signed] Mike (Ames??)

In the envelope were two pictures of our house; one labeled “1950s” (our house was built in 1950), the other “1970s”. See the pics, and one I took today to compare, below:

Circa 1950s

Circa 1970s

Taken today, 11/14/2011

It was fun to see how the front has changed – and, especially, how little it has changed. We thought the garage was an add-on, and maybe it was, but it’s been around since the first decade of the house.

I like the 1970s picture – look at that little bush with pink and white petals on the garage side of the house. And look at today’s picture: That’s the genesis of our 30-foot-tall (or so) magnolia tree.

I wish the guy who delivered the pics had knocked on the door or something – I didn’t pay too much attention, but he looked to be in his 50s. He could be one of the kids in the 1950s picture. He might have enjoyed seeing what became of the place.

But a nice blast from the past from Mike (?) – thanks!

On joining the 21st Century…


Well, it had to happen at some point: I finally got a smart phone.

A little bit of history:

  • I purchased my first cell phone – a real brick – in about 1998. The account, with AT&T, is still used (for Romy’s phone).
  • In 2000, I was working with a start up, and everyone had cell phones that you didn’t have to pretend wasn’t check-on luggage. The phone of choice was Motorola’s StarTAC – the original flip phone.
  • That same year, I purchased my StarTAC; I think it was $149.99 for the phone, ordered online. I went with Sprint; I can’t recall why except for Verizon access sucked in the office in which I was working. I’m guessing others had Sprint and were OK with same.
  • Today, I picked up my replacement to the StarTAC – an iPhone 4s. Yikes!

Why get a smart phone now?

Ah, I’m a geek, but – while I do have gadget lust, I don’t need to be the first kid on the block with the new toy.

Don’t get me wrong – when the iPhone first came out in 2007, I lusted after same and said it would change the (cellphone) world.

And I was correct.

And each iteration of the iPhone – and the succeeding parade of Android phones – made me lust all the more. I confess!

At the same time, a better phone was just not something I needed – sure, it would have been useful to have the computer in my palm, but not necessary. I’m pragmatic.

Yes, I’m an idiot (to most geeks).

But I always said: When my built-with-the-steam-locomotives phone died, I’d get a top-of-the-line smart phone. As I did with the StarTAC (at the time, best in class).

The StarTAC – after 11 years – began to die.

Time to replace.

Replacement: iPhone 4s

iPhone vs. Android

OK, I wanted to get a smart phone as a replacement to my (dumb) phone, not just another flip phone etc.

Comes down to iPhone vs. Android.

It was a struggle – especially since, as I’ve outlined above, I’m not smart-phone savvy. Sure, played with phones from friends/co-workers and so on, but basically a novice.

Let’s leave price aside: The $149.99 phone I purchased 11 years ago has cost me about $13 a year. Not the kind of return carriers are looking for. I’ve known more than a few folks who paid for the iPhone, iPhone2 etc. Nice return for carriers (had to break contract or suck up cost of old phone).

OK, price aside: I want something that just works. Before today, it was a phone that worked as a phone (and better than my land line).

Overall, the iPhone just “works.”

Why Sprint?

Ah, this is the biggest “OMG I messed up” choice.

The iPhone is new on Sprint (the iPhone 4s is the first iPhone on Sprint; Verizon had the iPhone 4 and AT&T had all other iPhones exclusively). Agreed. So good and bad have happened in past (AT&T in San Francisco a nightmare, for example); the future may hold additional surprises.

At the same time, I’ve been with Sprint for 11+ years and have, overall, been satisfied. There was a period when I could get a signal everywhere except in my home office (yeah, that’s a problem…), but that’s cleared up.

I was able to – sometimes analog – call from weird corners of the US with Sprint; I’m hoping this keeps up (I’m sure I’ll be eating some of these words in the near future).

But the hardware and software is in place; we’ll just have to take from day to day, ja?

Thinking different…long ago

As the world continues to mourn the death of Steve Jobs (each in one’s own way), there are more than a few posts about Jobs/Apple on the intertubes.

Over at TechCrunch, MJ Siegler had a tribute of sorts to Jobs (Siegler is an unabashed, unashamed Apple fan-boy), in which he printed out the text of the original “Think Different” commercial.

He also embedded a version of the the ad voiced by Jobs; that was poignant.

However, it was the text that caught my attention:

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

First – great text, and a powerful message.

But reading this – instead of just passively listening to it – I was reminded of a similar quotation from about a century ago.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
— George Bernard Shaw

People today are not that Shaw-friendly; I’d wager Jobs was.

Steve Jobs – RIP

Not surprising, but still a sad day in TechVille.

A visionary has passed.

Yeah, the Twitters and the intertubes are ablaze with same.

Yada yada yada.

Crap – iPod, iPhone, iPad…hey, there’s something there!

I’m comfortable that innovation will continue moving forward.

(Picture from www.apple.com)

The tablet market is now just two tablets

Kindle FireAmazon introduced its Android-based Kindle Fire tablet today.

Priced at $199 (a price that’s sure to drop moving forward), this tablet pretty much makes every tablet but for Apple’s iPad obsolete.

It’s now a two-horse race, with Apple and Amazon splitting the table market share and revenues between them. What the revenue/market share split is hard to say – the iPad is more expensive and highly profitable, but Amazon’s offering is subsidized by folks who will then by more stuff from Amazon.

But the bottom line is all other tablets – at least for now – are toast.

High-end users will stick with the iPad, with its more powerful specs and large number of gestures; the newbies ore the non-techies will plunk down the fewer bucks and get a slick tablet to view movies, read books, listen to music and read email.

Amazon retains its e-ink Kindle e-reader, and it’s now priced at $79. They’re going to move a ton of those, as well.

Amazon seems to have done a really good job setting up for the tablet, with all their cloud services, as well. Apple did the same. The other tablet makers? Not so much.

Both Apple and Amazon make it all about what you could do with the unit, instead of how fast the processor was and so on. Other tablet makers didn’t get this, either.

Wonder how many Kindle Fires end up under the Christmas tree this year? I’m betting Amazon’ll sell 3-5 million Fires this year. Yes, in just three months. The higher figure is if Amazon does drop the price before the holiday shopping season. (Update: I just read that the Fire won’t ship until Nov. 15th, so that’ll mean Amazon will still sell quite a few units, but closer to 1 million.)

The tablet wars – for the moment – are over.

Amazon and Apple won.

Everyone else lost.


Routers – The Good, the Bad, and the … Pretty

OK, I’ve been going through router hell recently.

I replaced an old workhouse with a new one, which seemed to fix stuff.

And then it didn’t.

Just one person’s opinion:

THE GOOD – Linksys WEFW1154 Broadband Wireless Router

My first home router; worked like a champ for approximately seven years. Had only 801.11B coverage, but made it through the house fine. Little bulky compared to today’s models, but cooler running. Allowed unlimited time for clients via DHCP, so was effectively a DNS server (until a box or router was turned off for whatever reason).

Again, a trooper. (Note the dust – actual unit!)

THE BAD – Linksys/Cisco WRT54G Wireless Broadband Router

Same footprint as the B router; this G router (which I bought on sale to keep as a backup) is about one-half to two-thirds the height of the old router.

Runs much hotter, and drops so much that I just bailed on it in less than a month. Piece of crap (but faster, when it runs…credit where credit is due).

Also, the old router had six ports: Internet in; four switch ports; one uplink.

This one (and subsequent models) get rid of the uplink port – any one can uplink (good), but steals a port (bad). Fortunately, I have space on my supplemental switch so this is not an issue (yet….).

THE PRETTY – Linksys/Cisco E1500 Wireless Broadband Router

OK, this is a nice looking unit (hey, no external antennas!), and so far has been working well, but I’m kinda soured on Cisco right now. No front lights, so I have to look in the back to see what’s going on (I’m sure that’s to save $$ somewhere, but idiotic for home use), and it seems to run hot, so I have configured with some breathing room. (Awkward!)

This will run 801.11N; I only have G running now, and it’s fast. Hasn’t dropped since I put it in a couple of days ago, so we’ll see how that goes.

I bought this unit because I can assign MAC to certain IPs, so I might lose a terminal window, but when an IP is refreshed on said computers, the IP stays. Again, too early to tell how that is going (I have the max lease time going – about six days – so I should start to see stuff after ~ three days).

Fingers crossed – which is always a (not) good way to run a network!