Beyond Diversity

Caveat: I am an adult Caucasian male with a college degree, middle-class status and no religious leanings or obvious physical handicaps. While this is probably the worst time in Western Civilization to be a white male, overall, white males still seem to get the breaks over other genders/races/religions/and so on.

However, I just read on yet another article about how women are under-represented at web/design/tech conferences. I’ve tried to stay out of the whole “why aren’t there more women bloggers?” and so-on blog memes, but here are some thoughts.

And I’m sure I’ll look back on this and decide that I’m an ass.


  • I think – especially with the tech industry – we’ve moved beyond the person issue. You know, “on the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.” It’s more what you can do/say, not what you look like. What you look like can help [esp. for women, agreed], but it doesn’t cut the other way – see Dave Winer or (the invisible) Pamela Jones. Who cares what they look like/what gender they are? It’s what they do/write.
  • While I still firmly believe women and minorities – overall – have a tougher row to hoe than white males, we’re past the fulcrum on that issue today, especially in tech (with all the terrorism issues today, Middle Eastern males would seem verboten, but they are a big part of tech, and it’s really not an issue).
  • We have to get beyond this whole “hey, there are fewer [x] than [y] at this conference – we need to promote diversity!” Maybe X makes up 10% of the US population, but really only makes up, for example, 3% of router engineers. So why should one expect 10% of attendees to a router engineer conference to be X?
  • Does this mean we should all be the same? God no! Women are different than men, gays from straights, religious from agnostics and so on. It differs with each person, but diversity is good. But just because a balance is off, let’s not go ballistic. I like Thai food; I like Chinese food. I don’t want them to be the same. And I don’t want to have to eat them in the same proportion as their popularity and so on. (This sounded sooo much better in my head, but I hope you get my drift: Yeah, stuff is different; so what? And each person views different…differently.)
  • We are too fucking politically correct in this country. And – by that (for this example) – I mean we often pay lip service to political correctness without really doing anything about what we are (pretending to be) politically correct about. I think that’s nutty. Personal Counter-Example: I don’t read any blogs by African-Americans (that I know of). So what? Nothing against this ethnic group, it’s just that I can’t say with certainty that I regularly read a blog by an African-American. I read a lot of blogs, however, so I could be wrong about that. Would I be upset (and stop reading) if I discovered blog XYZ was penned by an African-American? No. Will I seek out African-American blogs just so I can read one? No. Get a grip folks.
  • Yes, sex sells, and it sells to men, especially. So women in tech/on blogs have an advantage, because they have breasts. Well, yes and no. YES: Amanda Cogdon – of Rocketboom fame – certainly did well, in part, because of her looks (her geek cred and sarcasm also scored). And I think, to a degree (differs with individuals), women are judged – even in tech – by looks. Judged by the Old Boys’ Club, a women can’t win: Hot? Not serious. Ugly? Who care what she can do…icky… NO: At the same time, it can NOT matter. Mena – not Ben – Trott is the voice of Six Apart. I don’t think anyone takes Mena non-seriously. She’s a force in the industry.
  • Diversity is just that – diverse. Doesn’t mean it’s all good for all. I’ve been reading Dooce’s blog for years. It’s by Heather Armstrong – *gasp* – a woman! I like her style; I like her points of view. But I never read her monthly memos about/to her daughter, Leta. I don’t have kids etc. Not interested; I tried a couple times and have since skipped. I also skip the sports entries of a couple of political bloggers I read. Not into that. So what? I still like – overall – all these bloggers. I don’t care for some of th stuff they write. Duh! Just because something is different/diverse does not mean everyone should embrace same.

Again, I’ll probably ask myself what I was smoking when I wrote this, but I just think we get too stupid and wrapped up over the wrong things.

Recent news headlines have been dominated by the battle over Anna Nicole Smith’s body and Britney Spears basically melting down.

Yet people and places keep exploding in the Middle East, for example.


Only Reviews Today

Since this has been a pretty quiet weekend – no work and much time away from my computer, I’ll instead treat you all with quickie reviews of some things I’ve been exposed to lately.

Control of Nature, The
John McPhee

I purchased this book – in hardcover – around the time it was released (1990), but just now getting around to reading it.

McPhee is one of my favorite essayists, and this book – thus far (I’m not done) – does not disappoint.

The book is a collection of longish essays about how man attempts (in vain…) to control nature. The first essay, for example, describes how the Army Corps of Engineers has attempted/is attempting to control the Mississippi River.

In the aftermath of Katrina, more poignant and frightening than it was at the time of publication, I’d venture to guess.

All books

Scrubs – First Season

Scrubs is one of those non-traditional sitcoms that you’ll either like or hate.

I always enjoyed it, but – having not watched it much the last couple of years – it was fun to sit and go through the entire first year over a weekend.

Damn they are clever – fantasy sequences, fun with sound effects, fun with each other.

Like News Radio and Third Rock From the Sun, you either grok this type of comedy or you don’t.

If you don’t you are poorer for it…

All movies

Lucinda Williams

A very recent release, I’ve only heard the entire CD once, and a handful of songs on the radio a handful of times.

The verdict?

A solid performance by Williams, almost as good as her “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road” album.

A very typical Williams album, as well, but that’s in no way a bad thing.

Time will tell if this is a keeper or not.

All music

And the World Hates America Why?

Via Kevin Drum (Washington Monthly), sampling a Glenn Reynolds posting (to be clear, this is Reynolds typing; Drum just supplying the link):

We should be responding quietly, killing radical mullahs and iranian atomic scientists….Basically, stepping on the Iranians’ toes hard enough to make them reconsider their not-so-covert war against us in Iraq.

….[T]o be clear, I think it’s perfectly fine to kill people who are working on atomic bombs for countries — like Iran — that have already said that they want to use those bombs against America and its allies, and I think that those who feel otherwise are idiots, and in absolutely no position to strike moral poses.

IRAN IN IRAQ: Smoking guns Instapundit

Posted without comment. You’ll either agree with Glenn or go “ick!”. Not much gray there.

I’ve Got a Secret

As the Bush administration has dramatically accelerated the classification of information as “top secret” or “confidential,” one office is refusing to report on its annual activity in classifying documents: the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Explaining why the vice president has withheld even a tally of his office’s secrecy when offices such as the National Security Council routinely report theirs, a spokeswoman said Cheney is “not under any duty” to provide it.

Cheney won’t tell how much he keeps secret, April 30, 2006

This is an old story – almost a year old – but is getting new play because the Veep’s office says the regulations don’t apply to the vice president, as he is both legislative (president of the Senate), and executive – as in vice-president of the United States. (More here)

This strikes me as:

  • Not terribly surprising, give the current administration’s bent for privacy.
  • Huh? Does that mean he’s a fourth branch of government? (Executive, Legislative, Judiciary). WTF?
  • Arrogant – he’d just be supplying stats (X docs classified; Y unclassified and so on)
  • The VP’s office doesn’t want to release stats, as this will lead to other questions (“Why the 10-fold increase in classifications?”, “Can you supply us with the names of the documents classified?”). This could lead to uncomfortable responses, to understate.

Or maybe I’m just cynical…

Sometimes Blogger Blows

I converted over to the non-beta site on Jan. 20th, and – since that time – my archives don’t update.

This is the second time I’ve had this issue; I can’t remember why Blogger had the issue before, but I wrote a quick Perl script that did the archives: Still exists; updated today; my Blogger (non)-generated archive stopped on Jan. 20th.


I probably won’t really care about this until the weekend, but this is annoying. This is a basic issue. How could Blogger get out of beta with this unaddressed?

Update 2/8/2007: Reviewing this entry, I realized I wasn’t clear. The archives are updating, but the archive index – the page with links to all archived pages – isn’t.

So – you can read my archives…but you just can’t find them in my arhives index…so you can’t get to them….

I’m surprised

When I wrote Discarded Tech a few days ago, I mentioned the virtual uselessness of floppy disks.

An article from today echoes this sentiment, but includes a statistic – which, if correct – is very surprising to me:

The global market for floppy disks has been in decline since the late 1990s, with 700 million estimated to have been sold last year compared with more than two billion in 1998.

Floppy disks to disappear from PC World, Jan. 30, 2007

The surprising part – to me – is that so many floppy disks were sold last year relative to the peak: 0.7 billion this year vs. 2.0 billion in 1998, a peak year.

Sure, a 50% plus decline, but my personal experience is about a 99% decline since 1998.

I don’t even use Zip disks, which – for a few years – supplanted the floppy disks.

Now it’s USB thumb drive, burn to CD or DVD disc, FTP, G-mail and so on.

I carry a floppy in my briefcase at all times (and a Zip drive and a thumb drive); haven’t had to replace it anytime recently.

Those stats sound suspect to me…

Random Thoughts

Anand Tucker, director

Based on a Steve Martin novella, this adaption – starring Martin, Claire Danes and Jason Schwartz – is a disaster.

Maybe it was trying to be true to the book (I haven’t read), but there were too many “What the hell….” moments, too many voice-overs by Martin to explain what was obvious, and no true explorations of the characters.

I like Martin and Danes, but I’ll never watch this again, that’s for sure.

This has the flavor of the movie Martin succeeded with – L.A. Story – but everyone stumbles badly here. (I take that back – Danes was pretty believable.)

All movies

The following is just an eclectic firing of neurons that have occurred over the past few days; nothing worth more than a sentence or two.

  • Presidential elections?: We’re barely two months past the mid-term elections, and already the presidential candidates are lining up. And most of the folks running currently hold public office, but are running around the country making speeches and so on; great – our well-oiled government machine at work.
  • iTunes random play isn’t: If I’m on random play and jump down to a Lou Reed song, for example, I’ll hear three or four more Reed songs over the course of the evening. I’ll hear 0-1 Reed songs on an average night.
  • The web is getting boring: I’ve mentioned this before, but I still say it’s true. Even – a must-read site during the Internet boom – is a shadow of its former self. The infrastructure is in place and Pud just publishes a few fucks a week. Whoopee….
  • DRM is dumb: I understand the argument for DRM (digital rights management), I just don’t agree with the argument. I understand the argument for horses to pull horseless carriages, I just don’t agree with the argument.
  • Blogs as abstracts: Back in the day of peer-reviewed science journals, abstract journals – magazines that gave the synopsis of select papers from various disciplines – served a valuable function: No one can read everything (unless an abstracter, and then it’s your only job), so these Cliff Notes of sorts help separate the wheat from the chaff, as well as point out what one may have otherwise totally missed. Blogs – and sites like Google News – serve the same purpose in many ways. While Kottke is way less interesting today than it was a year or two ago, he still has an impressive list of links – with short comments – that give one an overview of what one may have missed; what you might like/not like to read. That’s valuable. A lot of politically oriented blogs work this way, with quick comments on a MSM article, with link to full article. Powerful shit.
  • WWW: You’re Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Do you ever wake up at night and shout, “Holy crap – I can’t believe I began all this!”?
  • Macs are too damn expensive: I like Macs, I love (as a Linux dweeb) the BSD underpinnings (it has built-in SSH!), but the boxes are too damn expensive. To outfit a decidedly lower end Mac – the Mac Mini – in a configuration (more RAM, bigger drive) that makes sense for me, it’d be over $1200 for only a single 160M drive. Ouch. I’d love it, however.