Redesign In Progress

No, no Web site is ever finished in any true sense. Stabilized, perhaps, but always undergoing tweaking and enhancements, visible or behind the scenes.

This blog is a Web site.

Ergo, it ain’t done.

Actually, I’m in the process of a major redesign of the site, which I hope to launch in the next week or so.

Why change?

  • With this redesign, I’m divorcing my blog from my site. While my blog is hosted there, it has little to do with the rest of the site. It stands alone content wise; the same should be true of the content.
  • I wanted to experiment with the use of themes/alternative style sheets. The blog redesign was an excellent excuse to do so. (Pretty cool, actually).
  • I keep thinking that – at some point – I will jettison Blogger and either move to Moveable Type or (very likely) roll my own solution. The first two bullet points are additional steps in this direction.

Bulletins as events warrant…