The Atlantic online

The last three years of college – when I had an apartment, I was quite the magazine whore.

I would read everything: Harper’s Bazaar, The New Yorker, Science, The New York Review of Books (not the The New York Time Book Review – different animal), Newseekl and so on.

One particular favorite was The Atlantic. – always well written, always with a roster of stories that didn’t fall in any one bucket. Mainly non-fiction, but excellent fiction, as well.

Last week, I purchased a digital subscription to


Two main reasons:

  • Excellent writing and writers – Anne Applebaum, Molly Jong-Fast, David Graham, Tom Nichols (just off the top of my head), as well as occasional pieces by non-staff, such as Tim Alberta.
  • Giving back. Sure, I can get a couple of free articles a month or go into incognito mode and get a couple at any time. But both Romy and I read The Atlantic pretty regularly, do why not give something back?

I’ve no regrets.