Well, it was a beautiful weekend weather-wise. The rain held off and the temps were in the high 60s, so perfect weather for some yard work.
Now, our suburb traditionally has two “all you can toss” garbage days – one in the spring, one in the fall. And you can pitch anything, and they’ll pick up.
No more.
Next weekend is our last “all you can toss” day. I’m sure it’s a money issue. Whatever. I don’t believe our taxes have declined…
Now, when we bought this house, it came with a really ugly, rusting shed set way in the backyard. We never used it for much, and always planned on replacing it.
With the threat of no more easy garbage pickups for something like this, it was time to nuke the old shed.
Lots of unscrewing and work with a hammer and pry-bar did the trick. It’s now just two (pretty neat) piles of sheet metal.
Next week, out they go!
On the negative side, we now have a clear look at the ratty-looking area what was beyond the shed. Oh well, this’ll help light a fire under our asses to get this fixed something this year – or, at least, improved upon.
Baby steps…a little at a time….