Tom Perrotta
Imagine The Rapture – the ascension into heaven of all true believers – actually happended (without the end of the world). Or a Rapture-like event, when millions just disappear.
What would do to those left behind? How would they cope? Especially when many of the departed were non-Christians, or truly evil persons. And many of those left behind (the leftovers) consider themselves true, god-fearing Christians. What does that do to individuals, families, communities?
That’s the clever premise of Perrotta’s 2011 book. Great premise, and he keeps his focus on just one community – mainly just one family.
But the book – clocking in at 350 pages – should really have been a novella. Some good issues examined, but too much filler, too much of the same over and over again.
And the ending of the book is just bizarre.
Fun “what if?” but Perrotta just doesn’t pull it off.
The Academy Awards is this evening, and I’ll probably watch most of it.
Not quite sure why, but whatever.
And while I have absolutely no skin in the game – no bets out, no crushes/hates on any actors/directors – it’s still fun to try to read the tea leaves to see just who might win.
Note: By no skin in the game, well maybe that’s not completely totally true. I’ve seen none of the films up for awards; I think the only 2012 film that I saw was Lawless, and I thought the movie was forgettable but for two things: The soundtrack, and Jessica Chastain’s performance. And she’s up for Best Actress (Zero Dark Thirty), so maybe I have some skin….
Here are my guesses for the top honors; again, just my reading of reviews and buzz:
- Best Picture – Argo. Why? In large part because its director – Ben Affleck – was snubbed for Best Director. Sorry Lincoln, payback’s a bitch. Also, Hollywood loves movies about Hollywood – see 2011’s Best Picture, The Artist. Correct
- Best Director – Steven Spielberg. With Affleck and Kathryn Bigelow (why?) shut out, it comes down to Ang Li (Life of Pi) and Spielberg. Ang won for Brokeback Mountain recently, and Lincoln is going to run away with a lot of awards. It’s a Big, Serious Movie, and Hollywood loves that. Incorrect, but it went to Ang Li, who I said was the runner-up.
- Best Actor – Daniel Day-Lewis. Why? Because he deserves it. This will make him a three-time Oscar recipient; this is Meryl Streep territory. Impressive. Correct
- Best Actress – Tough call. Jessica Chastain was the early favorite, but the political controversies surrounding Zero Dark Thirty have hurt her chances (and probably cost Bigelow the nod for Best Director nominee). Jennifer Lawrence is the current favorite (Silver Linings Playbook), but that’s as much for her work in other films (Winter’s Bone, Hunger Games) as it is for her nominated film. I think this is one of those cases where Chastain had the better performance, but Lawrence will win due to her overall likeability. Correct
- Best Supporting Actor – Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln). Why? It’s between him and Django Unchained’s Christoph Waltz. Waltz happens to be in a movie that doesn’t seem to be getting a lot of Hollywood love; Lincoln does. Incorrect, but went to my second pick.
- Best Supporting Actress – Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables ). This is a lock. Correct
Update: Well, I got four out of six correct, and in the two that I missed, my runner-up won. Not bad for just knowing nothing!