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r101_3.jpg All Pictures

All pictures currently posted

2976 photos

R150D_IMG_2478.jpg Picture of the Day

Random picture of the day

1 photos

assisi_view.jpg Italian Pics

Pictures from Italy, circa 1979

40 photos

windmill_clematis.jpg Flowers & Fauna

Roundup of flowers and fauna from all corners of the world

433 photos

IMG_6559.JPG Chicago, IL

Pictures from, in some way or form, the Chicagoland area

497 photos

barn_nails.jpg Finger Lakes

Pictures from the Finger Lakes Region, upstate New York. Currently includes pictures from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

34 photos

wetbranch.jpg Black & White

Black & white photographs

49 photos

yellow_daily.jpg Ryerson Preserve

A forest and prairie preserve in Chicago's northern suburbs. First visited 10/2004.

11 photos

joepye_bee.jpg Creatures

All creatures, great and small

177 photos

barn_nails.jpg Evidence of Things Not Seen

An examination of that usually not seen - a snapshot at an odd angle, close up, stopping time and so on.

17 photos

santafe_437.jpg Santa Fe 5/2005

What I saw on short trip to Santa Fe, NM, May 2005

84 photos

seattle_228.jpg Seattle 6/2006

Vacation shots, Seattle area, June 2006

133 photos

seattle_142.jpg Seattle Signs

There are a lot of neon - and other non-traditional - signs in Seattle. Here are some of them.

22 photos

20060701_rose2.jpg Chicago Botanical Gardens

Created to store pics taken during a July 1, 2006 trip. I will be adding older pics later.

24 photos

IMG_8455.JPG Infrared Pics

Film and digital pics; all infrared pictures

23 photos

montana_518.jpg Montana 7/2007

Shots from our trip to Montana, July 2007

207 photos

montana_325.jpg Glacier National Park, MT

Shots from our trip to Glacier National Park, MT, July 2007

68 photos

maine2008_0781.jpg Maine 9/2008

Pictures of our September, 2008 vacation to the Maine coast - Portland up through Bar Harbor. Emphasis on Acadia National Park.

302 photos

maine2008_0659.jpg Acadia National Park, ME - 9/2008

Pics - good and bad weather - from our September, 2008 vacation to Mount Desert Island.

87 photos

IMG_3336.JPG Chicago Bot Garden - 2009

July 2009. Lots of blooming going on. Excellent!

24 photos

IMG_4321.JPG Botanic Gardens 5/2010

Chicago Botanic Garden, May 28,2010

18 photos

dc2010_0900.jpg Maryland/DC 9/2010

Trip to the Chesapeake Bay and Washington, D.C. - September, 2010

242 photos

sd2013_0284.JPG South Dakota 9/2013

Rapid City nexus for trips to areas around same - September 2013

228 photos

oregon2014_0556.jpg Oregon 9/2014

Northwest trip, day trips based out of Portland, OR, September 2014

274 photos

R150D_IMG_0008.jpg Gevena, IL - Art Fair

Geneva art fair - 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018

15 photos

colo2015_0830.jpg Colorado 2015

What we saw south of Denver, basically based out of Colorado Springs, CO

321 photos

idaho2016_0041.jpg Lee/Romy

Pics of us, wherever

17 photos

idaho2016_0463.jpg Idaho 2016

Vacation ID & WA 2016

228 photos

idaho2016_0065.jpg Metal Works

Metal stuff - around trees, manhole covers and so on. Each city is a little different, which makes it fun

7 photos

R150D_IMG_2180.JPG BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Hindu temple in Bartlett, IL - July 23, 2017

20 photos

iphone4s_IMG_1143.JPG Signs of the Times

Signs in the age of coronavirus - 2020

11 photos

oregon2024_eos_2953.JPG South Oregon 2024

Vacation pics from south central Oregon, September 2024

138 photos