OK, Yahoo! has powered the weather iOS app since I got my iPhone (4s).
Yahoo! has a new app for weather – I believe it was released 4/18/2013 – and it is awesome.
Blows the old, built-in app out of the water.
The old app – on the left – has info and so on.
The new app – on the right – is sexier, and integrates (Yahoo-owned) Flickr pics. Brilliant.
On the plus side, the new app adds way more weather info – in a sexier way – and loses, for the most part, none of the original weather app.
On the negative side, it doesn’t give a forecast upon load – have to “drill in” for that. No downside, to me.
Oddly, the new weather app reminds me of an Android screen in look & feel to it – like Samsung phones. A departure for iOS stuff.
Is it just me?